Posts tagged Class Testimonial

"Thank you for offering the class today, I feel like I got so much out of it! I just happened to have sweet potatoes and ripe bananas at home so Abe and I baked your mini muffin recipe this afternoon. The whole time we we're mixing them up he was saying, "But I don't like sweet potato!" Even though I wanted to get frustrated I just shrugged it off, saying, "Well maybe you don't like it yet." 

Once they were finished I left one on a plate and didn't pay him much attention and pretty soon he'd eaten a whole one and was asking for more. " - Karin M, mom to Abe, 2.5 years

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“Rachel opened my eyes to a better approach to mealtimes and feeding, as well the importance of creating a relationship with food for my daughter. I also came away with a really helpful list of ways I can make dinner more fun and inviting, which has made her open to more new foods, without any coaxing. Mealtimes aren't stressful for either one of us anymore and I am so grateful to Rachel for that! ”

- Jennifer, mom of Maya, 3.5 years old

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“Rachel’s webinar was exactly what I needed as I waded through information about solids - especially contemplating spoon fed purées vs baby-led weaning. Based in facts and research, I got the information I needed in a completely non-judgmental way. The webinar provided resources, food ideas, nutritional information, safety tips, and more. In the end, I felt confident approaching solids as a mix of the two methods."

- Jen E., mom of Ethan, 8 months old

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